BuzzBreak is a news app that with all the latest and most popular news, but unlike most online news sources, with this app you can also earn credits and exchange them for cash.
BuzzBreak is organized into categories, although you can also create a personal feed with the news that interests you most. The main screen shows a summary, similar to a cover page, while other pages have news organized by topic. If you find an interesting article, you can share it with your contact or on popular social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and more.
What makes BuzzBreak totally different from conventional news outlets is that you can earn credits by reading the news and staying informed or inviting your friends to join the platform. Once you have some credits, you can redeem them through PayPal or other methods.
With BuzzBreak you can earn credits while staying informed of the news that interests you most.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.4 or higher required
Very excellent in this app 🧢
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